SHIRT: Freepeople (old, similar linked HERE via Nordstrom) | JEANS: Hudson | EARRINGS: Henri Bendel | NECKLACE: Tiffany's | BRACELET: Henri Bendel

Ok, so if you're anything like me you like you like to try and keep a pretty organized closet! It's hard to keep it so neat on a day to day basis when we all got so much going on... running from here to there, but it's always nice to take the time to go through it and straighten it up. Being that it is still January and Florida still is getting a flux of cold fronts every now and then, I still wanted to keep some of my warmer items in my closet downstairs. I have another closet upstairs that's a working progress while we reorganize and switch things up, and that's where I'll usually store my "out of season" items, but the sweaters can't go just quite yet.
As I declutter I like to also think about those clothing pieces I haven't worn in almost a year, and in that case it's gotta go! You need to Clear out the Old, to Make Room for the New! Some of my items I will try to resell usually through eBay or on Poshmark, but otherwise I just bag everything that I'm personally done with and donate it to Goodwill. Of course it's always nice to sell your old items to get a little profit back, but it also always gives me such a good feeling by donating too.

Basically I ended up clearing out most of my winter wear and made two piles: either keep or give away. It's always hard sometimes if you come across a top that you really love but it doesn't fit anymore, or you think I might need this someday... just get rid of it! My closet might seem pretty full still, but at least now I have it organized again and everything is either hung or stacked nice and neat. This makes for a happier time spent while trying to figure out what to wear, because everything is able to be seen and easily gotten.
This relates to my out fit of the day (#ootd) because my shirt had been hidden within all my gray tops. This has been one of my fave tops for a few years now... yes it's old, Sorry. Free People has a newer similar style though, you can see it HERE.