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Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Laura Ann Iberg

Hi ya "Street Rats,"

I'm just kidding, but I had to seeing is I got to attend the Disney Aladdin premiere that was hosted by MAC Disney Springs last week! You read correctly, the PREMIERE! Like who am I, I don't even know. I just know that I'm very grateful to have been given this opportunity. My handsome brother, Rob, attended the event with me. It was really nice to have a night out with him. Even though we live so close, our schedules are both so crazy that we hardly get to see one another. We had a great time being all spruced up together. The night was so wonderful and lived beyond any expectations that I had. They truly did an amazing job putting all of it together.

The Start of the Evening

To kick start the night, we all had to check in at the MAC store by 4:30p. You know make sure they got their head count to keep track of us all throughout the night. What was so fun though and unexpected was that they were giving us all mini makeovers using the Aladdin collection by MAC! So flipping cool! We were the first to see and feel the collection. The makeup you guys is phenomenal! I'm not kidding. All the colors are so beautiful, and will look great on any skin tone. I didn't have them do too much to me seeing I already had done my face prior. We just added a few of the products to my current look. I ended up wearing "Rajah" lips along with "Jewels on Jewels" gloss. So so pretty!

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Private Screening

Once we were done getting beautified, it was cocktail hour at Wolf Gang Puck's. WGP just got a new location at Disney Springs by the way, it's much bigger and definitely looks nice. It's nothing crazy fancy incase you're visiting on vacation from the parks, but it def has a classier vibe then it use to have. From here it was MOVIE TIME! Y'all when I'm saying we saw the movie before anyone, we really saw the movie before anyone! It hadn't even premiered in LA yet, how amazing?! And can you say #CelebrityStatus thank you!

The movie was spectacular and I'm not just saying that for this post. I truly loved every minute of it. I felt like all the actors did an amazing job at their roles. I didn't know who any of them were besides Will Smith, and I'm gonna give him credit. He had some pretty big shoes to fill and live up to for this role, and I think he did a fabulous job. I do believe he was directed to try and play it as close to Robin Williams as he could, and not that it was bad in any means I just wish they would've let him play it a little more how he really is or you like "Fresh Prince."

You 100% need to go see this movie though! It is done so beautifully and the colors within the scenes and costumes, gorgeous. It's very musically done. So if you enjoy singing and dancing, you enjoy the movie. Also, it's modernized very well and there's a strong sense of women empowerment, but I don't feel as if it's over kill. Some may feel differently, but I thought Princess Jasmine had a nice enhancement given to her from the cartoon. I'm going again and taking Larry with me. That's how much I liked it.

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

After Party

Now for the most fun of the evening, the after party. This was held at the waterfront right there in between The Boathouse and The Hanger Bar. Not only did they have the party set up for us, they transported us into the city of Agrabah! It was so elaborate and the decor was spot on to make you feel as if you were some where else for the evening. We got to mingle with other influencers and take plenty of photos. They had the Geni's lamp set up in the Cave of Wonders and also the Magic Carpet soaring the horizon of the city for us to photo op with. Drinks and appetizers were catered by The Boathouse, which were delicious. I've been wanting to go there to try it out, and now I definitely want to since I know how amazing everything tasted that they were handing out this night.

You probably are wondering what else could we of possibly experienced? Not only did MAC set all of this up for us for a night of amazement, they gifted us all the complete Aladdin collection! I was so ecstatic, and couldn't believe this. This one a step they took that was above ad beyond and so so generous. I've been playing with it all every day since then, lol. So many beautiful looks can be created. Oh and I think I forgot to mention, these colors were all used on Princess Jasmine in the movie! How cool!

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway

Disney Aladdin Premiere + Giveaway


What you all have been waiting for! For that one lucky person, that "Diamond in the Rough" I'll be GIFTING this entire collection from MAC! By reading this post and subscribing to my blog your already one jump ahead ;) Just make sure to leave your IG handle in the comments below so I know you were here. Head to my Instagram for the full rules - it's all listed on my Aladdin post there!

This collection is valued over $300 and these products have already started to sell out. You do not want to miss your chance at owning this special edition set.

*You also are going to want to head over to my YouTube to subscribe, and follow me on the app to complete the other steps as well.

I truly appreciate you all taking the time to enter and continuously sharing your love and support.

Good luck to you all!

Watch the inside scoop about the event and see the makeup reveal!

Shop my look and the Aladdin collection below


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